I am sure if you lived in the 90’s then you will remember a movie called Starship Troopers? It was one of those films that you either loved it or hated it. I for one loved it and always thought what it would be like to hunt bugs on some alien worlds. Now thanks to Offworld Industries we get the chance as they have just released the video game Starship Troopers Extermination on Steam Early Access. So sign up with me and let us see how it plays and remember citizens…the only good bug is a dead bug!
Publisher: Offworld Industries
Developer: Offworld Industries
Release Date: 17 May 2023
Price: £20.99 Steam Early Access
CPU: Intel Core i5 / AMD Equivalent
GPU: Geforce GTX 1060 / AMD Equivalent
RAM: 12 GB
HDD: 20 GB
Review code was provided for coverage.
Steam Deck performance needs optimization so not recommended at the moment.
Join up and join an infantry to fight bugs. Starship Troopers Extermination is a 16-player co-op FPS that sees you and either your friends or strangers running around the planet and taking out bugs while having to do various tasks like build, defend and repair structures. Being an early access game then off course there are various minor issues and bugs (besides the ones you kill) and at times iffy gameplay, but these will be fixed as the titles progresses but the game still has fun factor to it. It has a lot of potential and I enjoyed my time with it.
When you start the game, you get to select your squad from a choice of five and there are three classes to choose. Each of these have their own stuff to unlock and different levelling process means you need to find what works best for you. You have a simple tutorial that takes you through the basics of building and you have the campaign option for regular play. Being early access there is not many levels so it becomes a bit monotonous after a while and also the content for the levels is light, but this will be progressed as the game gets updated.
Another part of the game that has got a lot of potential but needs some work is the building element. At the end of a mission every player is able to build and when you got a few players on it becomes very complicated and messy with no-one having a defined role. Graphically it looks great and the detail is accurate and gives a feel that you are on alien’s worlds and killing bugs with your squad but the lack of variety at the moment don’t give a lot of replayability.
Final Thoughts
Starship Troopers Extermination is a game based on a movie and the idea behind it is great. There are a few things that need to be fixed and improved on but generally it has the potential to be a great Co-op FPS with building elements but at the moment while fun to play it will be even better as the updates come out to improve.