Microsoft to Back PC in Future

by collect1

GDC: Now MS’s Phil Spencer Backs PC

Following on from the last announcement made by Ken Lobb, Microsoft’s boss Phil Spencer praises Steam and what they have done for the PC market over their ten years. Speaking on a panel at the Game Developers Conference, he said: “They’ve been the backbone of PC gaming for the last decade,” Spencer said. “As a Windows company, I appreciate what they’ve done.” He even admits that they have been more focused than Microsoft has been.

While speaking on this panel; Spencer said that PC gamers can expect “more focus” from MS in the PC gaming Space. They have no plans to compete with Valve’s service, but says “it’s important to invest in [PC gaming] in a real way.” PC gamers will see “tier-1” initiatives from Microsoft beginning this summer, though he did not elaborate on this.

With the announcement of DirectX 12 earlier at the GDC, the graphic API promises major improvements for developers. And of course Valve will soon become a rival Microsoft in the console wars, with their Steam Machines. Phil Spencer says he is not worried about the competition and says it “make sense.” Steam already has a strong user base of 65-million users.

So with very little information about what the plans are, will be looking at something like the Games for Windows Live or will something different to compete? Let us know your comments below.

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