Highrise City PC Review

by collect1

City builder games have been popular over the years. Probably the one most people would have been familiar with is the great Sim City series and also Cities and the sequel that was promised but never arrived. After that there have been a few arcade style takes on the city building, but none have had the real depth and feel of a traditional city building game. Now Deck 13 have released Highrise City to fill a hole in the market, so let us take a look at it below.

Publisher Deck 13
Developer: FourExo Entertainment.
Release Date:  4 September 2023

CPU: Intel Core i5 / AMD Equivalent
GPU: Geforce GTX 1060 / AMD Equivalent
RAM: 16 GB
HDD: 25 GB

Review code was provided for coverage.

When I first loaded the game my first impressions were this looks very promising. There was a choice of different land terrains to choose from to build my new shiny city for oversee. Another fun thing was they were actually based on real-life areas like New York, which is pretty exciting to build in the big apple and run a neighbourhood. After this choice you get to get the chance to choose the tutorial which I recommend playing through to give you a understanding of how things work in the game.

As with all city builders the tutorial gives you the ability to build the essentials to start to create your marvellous city. Every city needs power and water, so that is where you begin and build a power plant and water facility. Then you need a way to spread the power around your city, so you build a distribution facility which only powers a small area, which is fine for your starting plot. Then commercial needs to be implemented with factories so that your city and be self-sustainable.

The factories that you build are based on the resources that are available in the area. This is an interesting take, but sadly makes it more complicated than need to be and you need to plan your city around this which can make for an ugly city if you need to mine in the middle of the area. You also need to build farms which is fun unless you end up with a plot that has no resources, so farming is your only way of life which means a city build is now not possible.

Logistics plays a big role in running your city and this is a part I found very interesting to do. You need to ensure that your products from your farms are delivered to the local supermarkets and while some people won’t like it as it takes away from the fundamental city building aspect. Where it becomes confusing is when you need to implement other sectors as Highrise City don’t sort the sectors by density but rather by income.

You must take care of your employees by building them houses but unfortunately the game does not make it clear which type you need for who. This ends up being that the workforce is lacking in some areas and unemployment in others which means the infrastructure is not effective. Probably modders will add more stuff, but the game feels very minimalistic in terms of building and stuff. The graphics are nice and look good for the game style with DLSS even thrown in which makes a nice addition with the sounds and voices what would you expect.

Final Thoughts

Highrise City is a fun building simulator that promises a lot but don’t quite deliver. It is filling a gap in the market that was empty and it brings the fun but not quite the same level that Sim City offered. There are a few issues which I mentioned above which makes the game not as good as it could have been. Still a good purchase and one which can offer a few hours of gameplay.

[review_summary positive_heading=”” negative_heading=””][/review_summary]

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