Chiptune Tribute To David Bowie By Aaron White

by collect1

David Bowie Tribute Aaron White

January 11 2016 was a sad day. A great music legend sadly passed away. David Bowie produced some great songs and whether you are young or old, there is probably a track or album that means something to you. In honour of a great music artist, Aaron White another great artist decided to sample a amazing song that David Bowie released 1997.

Little Wonder only reached number 14 in the charts but it was a song that many feel should have been higher. This happens to be Aaron’s favourite Bowie track and the remix done in tribute of the man himself is just an amazing send off from one musician to another. R.I.P with the other greats that have been lost the last few months.

As usual if you use a real A1200 or WinUAE then you can download the disk from here.

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