The Worms Are Getting Crafty

by collect1

Recently Team 17 announced that those worms are getting new features in their upcoming adventure called Worms W.M.D. At the E3 the veteran games developer has announced that they will get a new crafting feature as shown in the above video.

In the game the little guys will have access to 35 different weapons and utilities. But because of the new crafting being added then you can get this number up over 80, which means much more fun and a lot more destruction. Depending on which scheme is chosen at the start players will have access to certain materials in order to carry out the mods. If they start in classic mode then no materials are available to play with.

Weapons and utilities can be crafted during the player’s turn or even in between turns during online play, as the opposing teams take their turns. Crafting really expands the weapon set and adds in many brand new fun weapons including the Party Balloon, Luzi, Electric Sheep, Sticky Grenade and Concrete Angry Donkey to name but a few.

Worms W.M.D is released later this year on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Check back often for updates.

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