It is that time that you need to pour yourself a drink of the hard stuff and sit back and relax. After a slight delay, Tesla Effect has been released via the digital platforms and with the new 2K visuals Tex Murphy is looking better than ever.
Tex Murphy is the last of the hard-boiled private detectives living in dystopian post-World War III San Francisco in the year 2050. Tex is an honest and good-natured private investigator with a penchant for bourbon, cigarettes, and getting himself into trouble. Stating out life as an Kickstarter back in 2012, the target was hit which proves just how popular Tex is with the fans.
It is great to see the return of an FMV game and with HD video it has never looked better. Check back on the weeken when I will have a review up of this game and see how it fairs in modern day gaming. Available May 7 from Steam,, Humble Store or Amazon you owe it to yourself to grab your Fedora and head over to the store.