PS3 The Last of Us review

by collect1
last of us joel edition package shot

PS3 The Last of Us

June 14th 2013 was an highly anticipated day in the gaming world.  It was the release date of Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us on the PS3.  The game had big hype before the release date with the media and various internet sites all commenting and following the news on Naughty Dog’s latest game, and the Uncharted series by Naughty Dog was always going to hard to follow up, so to see how.  Note that it will contain no spoilers of the story line just a general review of the game so I don’t spoil the game for anyone.


June 14th the game arrived by my local post person, so I immediately loaded the game up in the PS3 and waited for the game to load so that I could start the journey which I have been waiting for a few months for.  From when the game first starts it is clear to see that Naughty Dog had created a game which had a lot of detail and a lot of thought went into the game.  The environment is very atmospheric and from the start of the game you get this sense that the situation is actually happening and this is what drags you into the game and captures your attention to the game.

The characters have been created to be believable and as the game progresses you will get an attachment to the characters and get to know the characters personality and you will feel for the characters and there situation.  A game have not got me attached to the characters like The Last of Us did since I played the Cyber Punk Game Snatcher on the Sega Mega CD back in the 90’s.  The voice acting is also very good on the characters and the script have been very well written which all adds to the intense atmosphere of the game.

On to the gameplay, Naughty Dog have definitely done a great job on this aspect of the game.  The gameplay is very smooth, and the transition between the cut scenes and the action does not really break the flow of the game.  Naughty Dog have kept the button press events down to a minimum and when need to be done they work very well to progress in the game.  The enemy AI is good and they can be tricky to get rid out especially since supplies of weapons and ammo is very limited.

Final thoughts on the game are that Naughty Dog have created a game which is looking like that it is going to be game of the year.  The gameplay is very immersive, the characters have been done so that the players will end up feeling for the characters and what they go through, the game is graphically stunning and is a game that is well worth picking up as the game will keep you coming back for more till until the story is completed.

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