Pre-Alpha Version Gameplay of Wave Interactive Kickstarter Title Buck

by collect1

The above gameplay footage is from a early Pre-Alpha version of Buck. This does not represent the quality of the final release as there will be lots of work done between now and then.

As we all know there have been some great games funded through the Kickstarter program. It is great for small, indie developers to get money to help them produce a game they are working on. Wave Interactive have launched a Kickstarter for their Metroidvania adventure called Buck.

Buck is a 2D game set in a post-apocalyptic world. You play as Buck, a mechanic who fixes bikes, as he goes on an adventure to investigate a disappearance of a girl while struggling to fit into a world he don’t understand. Below are some features of Buck:

â—¾ Destroy enemies with Buck’s own hand crafted, upgradeable weapons.
â—¾ Complete missions in varied and distant locations, while fighting the onslaught of different types of enemy.
â—¾ Earn and loot Scraps to purchase more items and upgrade your arsenal.
â—¾ Explore the 2D world with hidden passages, dark secrets and meet its remorseless characters.
â—¾ Negotiate with the salty denizens of Westown, wayward merchants and mysterious mercenaries, each with their own goals and agenda.
â—¾ Actions and consequences – choose your answers wisely, there’s no going back. Every decision is automatically saved.

So enjoy the above gameplay and screenshots below and check back often for more information. At the time of writing there was 26 days to go and the Kickstart fund is sitting at $8,847 of $30,000 (£6,176 of £21, 934) Game is released Q2 of 2017 on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

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