Beyond: Two Souls is the latest game from Quantic Dream, the same developer that released Heavy Rain. The game follows the life of Jodie Holmes, who since birth been linked to an entity named Aiden. Taking care of Jodie as she grows up are, Nathan Dawkins and Cole Freeman. The storyline has been written really well, and you will find yourself feeling for Jodie, and what she has gone through by the time you finish the game.

Gameplay is very much like Heavy Rain, where you walk through the levels, and then at certain points you get Quick Time Events. In order to deal with a situation, you will see on-screen symbols which tell you which button to press, or how long to hold for. Miss a sequence and you fail the scene, which you then got to replay as you probably just fell to your death. The fighting is interesting, as you press the right stick in the direction that Jodie is moving to avoid objects and attacks, or kick or punch in a fight.

Graphically, the game is spot on and considering that it has been released at the end of the PS3 life, the details are really impressive. The rendered models of Ellen Page, and Willem Dafoe is quite breath taking to say the least. The order in which you play Jodie life is random, and following it can get tricky, as one scene is when she is young, then the next level is an adult. Saying that, it does work and Quantic Dream should be given credit for making it work well. The script has been well written, and the voice acting from the actors really sells the game.

Overall, Beyond: Two Souls, is a game that is either to be loved or hated, depending on if you like quick time event’s. Those looking for a fast paced action will not like this. However, Beyond: Two Souls is a great game, and definitely a title worth picking up if you are looking for something different. There is replay value here, as the choices you make influence the game, and going back through is fun, as you are able to unlock more trophies. Not the emotional rollercoaster that The Last of Us was, but the story is still gripping and one you will want to complete.

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