The other day I had a nice surprise land in my Email inbox. Aaron White had sent me his latest C64 Chiptunes disk to check out. So I fired up WinUAE as I was on my laptop and listened to it without much delay. As normal the quality of the tunes were top notch.
This time there was only 6 tracks, but when Aaron does a disk it is never about the quantity but the quality. And sure enough the latest offering does not disappoint. My favourite tune on there is the loader music from Flimbo’s Quest, which is a game I put a lot of time into when I was younger and cause the loader theme was great.
Aaron nailed it and it does sound spot on and how I remember it back in the day. He also picked some other great titles like Cobra, High Noon, Aliens, Plotting and Clumsy Colin. No doubt you have all enjoyed his previous disks, well I am pleased to say you will enjoy this one too.
If you got a real A1200 or WinUAE then you can grab the disk from here.