People who have visited my site regularly will have noticed that I have been covering chiptunes from the talented Aaron White. So I am happy to bring you all news of the latest chiptune disk which Aaron has been working on.
This time around it is a little bit of a mix. Included is an awesome version of a TV show theme I am sure most will remember, Knight Rider. Any great tune that Aaron created is a tribute to the great Oliver Twins series, Dizzy, which if they ever do a Dizzy remake Aaron should do the music for it.
Also there are a few originals which sound great and the amount of time and effort put in is reflected in the quality of the tracks. The most interesting though is the tribute to the keygens and crack groups of the era. All done in Aaron’s own style.
Fans of his previous disks need to grab this and listen to it as I think in my opinion it is his best work to date. So if you use an emulator like WinUAE or actually use a real A1200, grab the disk from here. Another awesome disk from a great guy.